About Northeast
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Tom Caldwell founded Northeast Numismatics over 50 years ago. In the
years that have elapsed since 1964, Tom has proven his expertise in every
area of US coinage, from rare colonials and patterns to high grade proof
type and gold. In addition to being an ANA life member since 1972 (#1318)
and a member of the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG), Tom is a life
member of the Society for US Commemorative Coins, the Central States
Numismatic Society, Florida United Numismatists, the Numismatic Association
of Southern California, as well as other regional and national organizations.
He has attended every major coin show and auction since the late 1960s, and
can often be seen at shows out for a run in the early morning (he has
completed several marathons). Tom's easy-going personality and casual manner
have made him a favorite personality on the show circuit, both with dealers
and collectors. Tom is a firm believer that an educated collector is necessary
to a strong and sustainable rare coin market, and has taken great efforts to
teach youngsters (and elders) the essentials of coin collecting. In his words,
"There are a lot of dealers in this business for the long haul. I consider
myself a lifer, and we should do what we can to enhance the hobby." Tom's email address is
Chris Clements has been in the coin business since 1996, after obtaining his master's degree in International Business. He is the senior numismatist and a buyer of nearly every type of U.S. and world coinage. Chris travels to all major coin shows and many auctions, and is a Life Member of the ANA, the Central States Numismatic Society, and Florida United Numismatists. Chris manages Northeast's marketing efforts, and he is also the resident web specialist/IT expert. He is happy to help anyone who has questions about Northeast's website. In his leisure time, Chris enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter and watching football. He has also begun the long journey of perfecting smoked meats. If you're looking for him, you'll likely find him on the porch by his smoker. Chris can be reached at
Brian Alty is our Director of Sales. He’ll be able to answer most of your coin-related questions and any other inquiries you may have. Brian has over two decades of sales, technical and managerial experience and believes that the customer experience should be the number one priority of any business. Brian enters his fifth year with Northeast having much intensive classroom and on-the-job experience, and is developing into a top-notch numismatist. In addition to enjoying time with his son, Brian avidly supports all New England sports teams, and he is also a self-proclaimed chef who loves to be in the kitchen. Brian can be reached at
Marne Gigante is our professional, in-house photographer. She is responsible for imaging all of the coins you see on our website. Marne has an extensive background in portrait photography, and also enjoys photographing weddings, scenery, and taking too many pictures of her cats. When she is not working, Marne enjoys crafting, reading, and swimming. She can be reached at
Mike Zabbo is our Shipping Manager. He joins Northeast after spending over twenty years working in a managerial position at Walgreens, as well as spending time at Citizens Bank working with clients. He understands the importance of customer service and is here to help you with any shipping and other order-related questions. In his free time, Mike enjoys making homemade jerky, as well as watching the Red Sox, Patriots, and Bruins. He also loves taking road trips. He can be reached at
Frank is our skilled jack of all trades. He helps sort coins, looks for varieties, does research for us, travels to major shows, and is a buyer for the company. He began collecting coins when he was 7 years old when his father found a 1961 Washington silver quarter in his change and gave it to him. Frank has been with Northeast since 2019 and works during the summer and any time he's not in school. He is a business major at Bentley University and plans on going into the coin business after graduating college. In his free time, he enjoys spending time on Cape Cod with his family and playing poker with his friends at school. He can be reached at
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